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Search Process

Search Process FAQ

What are the steps in the search process?
What is the required number of Advisory Search Committee members?
How long a posting must be advertised?
Is a search necessary if I have a candidate already interested?
Are members of the Advisory Search Committee required to complete the search committee training?
What if I know one of the candidates on a personal basis?
What are the college's hiring goals for Affirmative Action? 
What Minnesota State Policies and Procedures apply to the search process?


What are the steps in the search process? 

The Supervisor or Dean and Human Resources will review and make updates as needed the Position Description (Staff & Administration) or Notice of Vacancy (Faculty Positions). 

  1. Position is posted to the appropriate Minnesota State web page, the Minnesota State College Southeast Employment Opportunities web page, Indeed, social media accounts, diversity sites, and any other publications requested by the Hiring Authority in order to obtain a diverse pool of applicants. Positions are posted for at least the minimum number of days as required by the respective Collective Bargaining Agreement. 
  2. Advisory Search Committee recruitment is first made by contacting Campus Union Representatives. Expectations and goals are discussed at first meeting.
  3. Committee determines interview questions for approval and coordinate dates for interviews.
  4. Recommendation for hire is made to the hiring authority.
  5. Hiring authority meets with search committee (optional) and meets with candidates.
  6. Upon affirmation action approval, salary determination is completed with HR.
  7. Job offer made.  

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What is the required number of Advisory Search Committee Members? 

While there is not a hard rule in terms of numbers, an Advisory Search Committee should consist of at least three (3) individuals. Members of the committee should be from diverse backgrounds in order to provide a variety of perspectives and stakeholders. Your Union Representatives are responsible to communicate with their members the need for participants for an upcoming search. 

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How long a posting must be advertised? 

We will post the position for the required number of days per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (at minimum). Typically, we will post approximately for 14-21 days. Positions which are difficult to fill may be posted longer and use a variety of advertising sources. 

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Is a search necessary if I have a candidate already interested? 

In an effort to promote equal access and opportunity, it is the practice of Minnesota State College Southeast to hire employees in unlimited/permanent positions through a formal search process.  This promotes an open and competitive process and helps to ensure we are hiring in accordance with equal opportunity guidelines and principles. 

Note: Some positions may be filled on a interim, acting, or temporary basis to enable the affected department sufficient time to conduct a formal search or to get a better understanding of the scope of duties for a newly developed position. 

  • Interim: Serving in the position in a temporary capacity until a new hire is made through a formal search process.
  • Acting: Serving in the position in a temporary capacity during the absence of the permanent employee.
  • Temporary: Serving with a definite ending date

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Are members of the Advisory Search Committee required to complete the search committee training? 

Yes, it is required that committee members complete the necessary training. The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) governs personal data on both current employees and job applicants. Private data on applicants must not be discussed or shared with anyone outside the search advisory committee. Data privacy violations can create both institutional and personal liability. Any person who willfully violates the provisions or any rules adopted under this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor. Willful violation of this by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee. In addition, the organization could be subject to civil damages for violations of the requirements. We want to ensure our members are compliant with this process and understand the important role they will play. 

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What if I know one of the candidates on a personal basis? 

Advisory Search Committee members should step down from the committee if they believe there might be a conflict of interest or they feel uncomfortable about providing a fair and unbiased viewpoint when screening and interviewing applicants (for example, if one of the applicants is a family member). Committee members should disclose only to HR any personal or work relationships with any candidates under consideration. This is a normal occurrence when search advisory committee members are recruiting through their professional networks. Committee chairs and Advisory Search Committee members cannot serve as references for candidates under consideration. In this case, the candidate should be asked for an alternate reference.

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What are the college's hiring goals for Affirmative Action? 

There are four underutilized for which the campus has hiring goals depending on the position. These are: 

  • women
  • minorities
  • persons with disabilities
  • veterans

For detailed information regarding Minnesota State College Southeast's goals, please see the college's Affirmative Action Plan (PDF)

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What Minnesota State Policies and Procedures apply to the search process?

In order to provide the most up-to-date policy information, we are providing links to the applicable Minnesota State Board Policies and System Procedures.

1B.1 Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education

1B.2 Affirmative Action in Employment

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