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Giving thanks for our students and communities

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Giving thanks for our students and communities

By Dr. Marsha Danielson, President, Minnesota State College Southeast

November 2023 

Dr. Marsha A. Danielson

The holiday season is a time for giving thanks, and we have so much to be grateful for here at Minnesota State College Southeast. Community support for the college is simply amazing -- so many people are willing to give not only treasure, but also their time and talent to make the college a better place. Here are some of the reasons we are giving thanks this year.

Employer feedback

Minnesota State College Southeast is an economic driver in this region, and we rely on local employers to help make sure we're moving in the right direction. Behind every career and technical program at the college is a program advisory committee. The members of these committees volunteer to meet with college faculty and administration on a regular basis to help us identify how we can improve the relevance of our programs and better meet their needs as future employers. 

Our recent Workforce Summits helped provide general feedback in three major areas -- Advanced Manufacturing, Business and Information Technology, and Health Sciences. Thanks to all who participated!

I am also very fortunate to have my own advisory council - the President's Advisory Council. I cannot over-emphasize how much I appreciate the wisdom and guidance of those who serve in this group. Their encouragement is incredibly helpful, as is their advice.  

We thank everyone who provides feedback and insight for contributing to the success of the college and our graduates.

The trust of our students

I'm also very thankful for our students and the trust they put in Southeast. They are so conscientious and determined to reach their goals. Many are working full-time yet still manage to make education a priority. 

Some of our students are counting on us to prepare them for a career while others are preparing to earn a bachelor's degree once they transfer to university. They are all fortunate to work with such a dedicated, innovative faculty and staff at the college, who are committed to student success and genuinely care about students' well-being. 

We have seen a significant increase in enrollment this fall. We are up 11% at a time when many colleges and universities are seeing stagnant or declining enrollment. Not only traditional students just out of high school, but people of all ages, backgrounds, and circumstances are investing in an education at Southeast. Many employed adults are taking advantage of our non-credit courses, workshops, and continuing education offerings to upskill and reskill for career advancement.

Our students are the reason we are here, and we are thankful for the opportunity to serve them!

Promises and opportunities

This fall has seen the launch of the Red Wing College Promise and the College Opportunity Program in Winona. In total, nine area high schools are partners in these programs, which allow eligible graduates to attend college at Southeast tuition-free. 

How can we ever thank the generous individuals and businesses who have made this incredible gift possible? These partners and investors have the foresight to realize that education is the future for these young people, and nothing should stand in their way.

Last spring the state legislature allocated historic funding to public higher education in Minnesota, making it possible for us to "freeze" tuition at the 2022 level for the next two years. This will make higher education more accessible and limit the student debt incurred.


We are very thankful to everyone who gives to the college through Minnesota State College Southeast Foundation and to those who serve on the Foundation Board of Directors. Financial and in-kind donations provide scholarships, program support, and other benefits to the college. In recent years more than 70% of our own employees have donated to the Foundation during our annual employee giving campaign -- a mark of their tremendous dedication to our students. 


Finally, a word of thanks to our community and education partners. We are grateful for all our partners who work for the betterment of our region, including economic development organizations, industry associations, nonprofit organizations, other universities and colleges, secondary schools (K-12), and local, state, tribal, and federal government agencies, to name a few.

We are thankful for all of you -- you make Southeast a better place!