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Online Learning


The outline and structure of a course creates a set of common expectations for your work. At the same time, each individual instructor has a personal style and way of working with learners that is unique. Here, however, are some general considerations to emphasize:

  1. You must have basic computer skills and knowledge of basic computer operations.
  2. You must have access to a computer and the Internet twice per week (at a minimum).
  3. You must be able to navigate Desire2Learn (D2L). Attend an orientation for help on this.
  4. Email your instructor before the start of the course to confirm registration.
  5. Notify your instructor or tech support when you are experiencing difficulty.
  6. Purchase books and necessary software (if needed) early. Classes start discussing material the first day of the course. It is very easy to fall behind if you don't have your text or other materials. You may have assignments due at the end of the first week, getting materials is very important.
  7. Login to your online courses the first day of class to ensure you have access.
  8. Keep current in the class. Learners who fall behind are less likely to complete a course successfully. If something happens that is going to cause you to fall behind, contact your instructor immediately.
  9. Become familiar with college policies and procedures in your catalog and on the college Web site.
  10. Use your student email account. This form of communication links you with your instructor and is required for successful completion of your course(s). (If you do not use your email for 60 days, your account is closed. You will need to contact IT to regain access.)
  11. Complete a Proctor Form (if required by instructor) to take tests for your course or courses if you cannot take tests on campus. You will need to complete a form for each course requiring it. NOTE: Forms have been designed for best display using Internet Explorer.
  12. Participate! "Attendance" is required. This may involve logging in several times per week, including reading, group discussions, assignments and exams. You MUST communicate with your instructor weekly. Not doing so will jeopardize your grade and financial aid.


Although online courses don't require students to attend campus, students are required to "attend" class. What does this mean? It means that students taking online courses must:

  • Login to the courseroom the first day of class.
  • Email the instructor to confirm registration and desire to complete the course.
  • Login to your courseroom each week of class.
  • Complete the course as stated in the course syllabus, including participating in class discussions and communicating with your instructor and other students.

Weekly participation is required or you will be classified as a “No Show”. This will jeopardize your grade and capacity to obtain financial aid. You are liable for all tuition and fees unless you properly withdraw.

Cheating and Plagiarism 

Cheating and plagiarism are covered under the college academic integrity policy. Violations of the academic integrity policy are taken very seriously as indicated in the procedure and sanctions in the college handbook.


Be 100% sure that any written ideas you present that are not yours are presented as the author's. Use the following format: idea, (author, year). If quoting the author, "quote," (author, year, p. #). Place the bibliography at the end of the paper. Refer to the APA Style Guide for assistance.

Discussion Etiquette 

We are committed to open, frank, and insightful dialogue in all of our courses. Diversity has many manifestations, including diversity of thought, opinion, and values. We encourage all learners to be respectful of that diversity and to refrain from inappropriate commentary. Should such inappropriate comments occur, faculty will intervene as they monitor the dialogue in the courses. Faculty will request that inappropriate content be removed from the courseroom and will recommend disciplinary action. Learners as well as faculty should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette. The following are good guidelines to follow:

  1. Never post, transmit, promote, or distribute content that is known to be illegal.
  2. Never post harassing, threatening, or embarrassing comments.
  3. If you disagree with someone, respond to the subject, not the person.
  4. Never post content that is harmful, abusive; racially ethnically, or religiously offensive, vulgar; sexually explicit; or otherwise potentially offensive.

Confidentiality of Information Shared by Learners 

The college does not guarantee the confidentiality of information shared by learners in the course environment. Therefore, learners should not share any confidential information from employers unless explicitly released for public use.


Please note that URLs change frequently; some of the addresses listed in your course materials may be changed or become out of date. If you have questions about a specific entry, contact your instructor and they will attempt to locate an alternative URL.

Desire2Learn (D2L) 

Desire2Learn (D2L) is the instructional management software used by Minnesota State College Southeast College instructors to teach online courses. D2L is your virtual classroom. It provides you with online access to documents, lecture notes, tests and quizzes, course grades, communication tools, and more. Specific use will vary by instructor. For help with D2L, including instructions on how to login, access the Tegrity videos on the D2L page.