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Avoiding Common Online Mistakes

(Tech Tips) Permanent link

Die Laptop, Die!Man, are you lucky! You live every day with things that could easily ruin your day, week, or decade. One slip and you are toast.

I'm not talking about your shower or the main stairs in your house. I'm talking about all that living you do online. Facebook, Google, Amazon - you could be running with scissors and not even know it!

A recent article from outlines "The Stupid Things You Do Online (and How to Fix Them)". I highly recommend giving it a careful read. Here are the "stupid things" in order.

  1. You Undervalue Your Personal Data
  2. You Submit Sensitive Information Over an Insecure Connection
  3. You Feed Trolls
  4. You Leave Private Information in Your Web Browser
  5. You Don't Keep a Backup of Online Data
  6. You Assume Your Posts and Comments Are Anonymous
  7. You Let People Track Your Whereabouts
  8. You Use an Insecure Password That You Rarely (or Never) Change

Truly, these are the critical aspects of living online that need serious attention. Evaluate your own behavior and see where you can improve. It will keep you from getting into some fairly serious trouble.

While you are reading, I'll be backing up my Google Docs.

The Stupid Things You Do Online (and How to Fix Them)