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Minnesota State College Southeast

Procedure for Arranged Courses


MSC Southeast is asking you to provide private information in order to process your Arranged Course Request Form. This information will be used to determine eligibility to take an arranged course. You are not legally required to provide this information; however, the college may not be able to effectively process your request if you do not provide sufficient information. Access to this information will be limited to school officials, including faculty who have legitimate educational interests in the information. Under certain circumstances, federal and state laws authorize release of private information without your consent: to other schools in which you seek or intend to enroll, or are enrolled; to federal, state or local officials for purposes of program compliance, audit or evaluation; as appropriate in connection with your application for, or receipt of, financial aid; if the information is sought with a court order or subpoena; or as otherwise permitted by other state or federal law.

This form is used to request an arranged class be established for a student caught in extenuating circumstances who needs a specific class to graduate. It is the student’s responsibility to seek instructor/advisor approval, and bring it to the Academic Affairs Office for consideration.

Procedure for Arranged Courses

  1. Students wishing to take an arranged course, or to override a schedule conflict, must first meet with the instructor and advisor (if advisor is different than the instructor).  An ARRANGED COURSE REQUEST FORM must be completed, signed by the student, signed by the instructor and/or advisor, and then sent to the Academic Affairs Office for approval.  Not all requests are approved so it is advisable that an instructor or an advisor along with the student note the reason for the request.  Students should be advised that this is the process and that final approval rest with the Academic Affairs Office.
  2. If approved, the arranged course will be entered into the system by the Academic Affairs office and a new course ID number will be created if needed.   The completed form will then be sent to the Student Affairs office for processing at which time the student will be registered into the course and financially obligated for all associated course costs.  A revised course schedule will be sent to the student.  If the arranged course is taking the place of another course the student has already registered for, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the other course.
  3. If it is not approved, the instructor and/or advisor will be informed.  The instructor or advisor will inform the student the course cannot be taken by arrangement.
  4. When entering arranged courses on an instructor’s schedule, section 95 or 99 is used as an indicator that a specific course is being delivered on an arranged basis.  Instructors then need to develop a plan with the student to assure that the course content is covered and measurements of progress are documented.
  5. Arranged courses are typically approved under the following circumstances:
    1. A student is within one academic term of graduation and cannot access the required course, AND
    2. A student’s schedule has time conflicts that cannot be resolved, AND
    3. The course is being completed independent of regularly scheduled classes, OR
    4. An advisor’s recommendation under extenuating circumstances.

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