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Minnesota State College Southeast

Winona Daily News: SE Technical gives local boy scouts opportunity to earn badges

Kim Schneider Daily News  Sep 20, 2015

In the welding room at Minnesota State College-Southeast Technical on Saturday morning, Ralph Roemer, carpentry instructor, explained the room's sawdust-covered gadgets, the different saws and sanders. He quizzed seven Boy Scouts about plywood and which wood it was made out of.

In the auto shop across the parking lot, Niel Christensen and Josh Jacobsen, Southeast Tech automotive instructors, crouch underneath a suspended rusty truck, letting the oil run out into a large funnel. They taught a group of Boy Scouts about basic auto maintenance care.

Winona-area Boy Scouts had an opportunity Saturday to earn merit badges to go toward becoming an Eagle Scout at the merit badge fair held at SE Technical College. David Echelard, one of the fair organizers, said 127 Scouts registered for the fair.

"It really brings the community together," he said of the area troop leaders and Boy Scouts that came together to make the event happen. "It's local -- using the community and using people from our community."