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Minnesota State College Southeast

Our view: Funding Minnesota State is the easiest choice the state Legislature can make

Winona Daily News Editorial Board
May 11, 2018 

Last week, the Winona Daily News recognized nine area high school seniors for our 13th annual Above and Beyond awards. These remarkable young men and women have overcome tremendous odds to put themselves in a position to graduate high school and attend college.

These are the students who, in three to five years, become the applicants that every business wishes would walk through the door.

While tenacity, heart and character are great attributes, potential employees also need the requisite skills. And where better for the workforce of tomorrow to learn those skills than at the local college or university.

The colleges and universities of the Minnesota State system --- including Winona State University and Minnesota State College Southeast -- have a history of working with local employers to identify needs that can best serve a changing workforce. They have fostered partnerships that have benefited not only the business and the educational institution, but also the student, who leaves after two or four years with not just a certificate or a degree, but the confidence and skills to pursue a career. (Not to mention, they probably aren't buried in debt, either.)

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