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610 - College Branding

Responsible Office:  Marketing and Communications
Responsible Officer:  Vice President of Strategic Initiatives
Related Policies or Procedures: 606 College Web Site Policy, 609 Social Media Policy and Procedure



This policy promotes and protects Minnesota State College Southeast (Southeast) by implementing a brand standards system that establishes the means of consistent, favorable, and professional use of the college's logos, symbols, emblems, fonts, imagery, colors, and messaging. The Southeast Branding Policy and adherence to its components and the standards will ensure consistency and recognition of the college's brand, benefiting each of our programs and key segments independently and promoting a strong college brand identity. 

This policy governs the application of the Southeast brand across all digital, print, merchandise, and other internal and external facing marketing and communications elements for any purpose. It applies to the use of the brand by the college as a whole and all Southeast divisions, departments, business units, and student organizations as well as individuals, vendors, and partners connected to and/or representing the college. 


Brand Standards: The official Brand Standards manual provides standards to maintain consistent use of the college symbol, logos, design elements, colors, fonts and other brand components as well as resources for writing and referring to Southeast. 

Digital: Includes internal and external facing websites, online forms, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) and other digital communications and marketing and business tools. 

Marketing and Communications: Includes processes for creating, communicating, and delivering college messages that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. 

Marketing Materials: Any items that represent the college including brochures, flyers, newsletters, posters, social media, videos, presentations, direct mail pieces, signage, booth displays, PowerPoints, promotional items, table covers, branded apparel, stickers, branded merchandise, etc. 

Messaging: Language, content, imagery, and tone of college marketing and communications that convey the value and personality of our brand. 

Advertising: Paid promotional presence in print, broadcast, or digital media with the intended purpose of persuading, informing, or increasing college and/or brand awareness with a targeted audience.

Official College Logo: The approved symbol and type treatment representing the college's identity in a variety of formats and related pre-approved logo lockups for academic programs, administrative departments, and special initiatives as allowed for in the Brand Standards.


All internal facing branded communications (e.g. flyers, posters, or similar materials) must adhere to and be designed according to the Brand Standards manual and be approved or created by the Director of Marketing. Marketing may remove any material not meeting these guidelines or may alternately request that the piece be brought into compliance. 

All external facing materials must be designed by the Marketing and Communications department. 

Marketing and advertising materials must include the college logo in an approved format. College-approved logo lockups can only be created by Southeast's Marketing and Communications department. 

The work of outside designers, partners, and vendors that use the name of the college or its programs, divisions, or departments must be approved in advance of use by Southeast's Director of Marketing.

Southeast divisions, departments, business units, student organizations, and/or activities or any program representing themselves as part of the college must adhere to the official logo usage standards in accordance with the Brand Standards manual. In general: 

  • The symbol, wordmark, or logo is required on all official internal and external communications.
  • Southeast colors and branded elements must appear prominently on all official communication and marketing materials. 
  • The use of Southeast letterhead, PowerPoint, and business cards is required in all matters of official college business. 
  • Use of the Southeast logo and logo lockups in print and electronic materials including email and social media must conform to brand standards. 
  • The college symbol, logo, or logo lockups may not be altered or combined with any other mark or element without express approval of the Director of Marketing.
  • The college's website and social media presence are governed by Policy 606 College Web Site Policy and 609 Social Media Policy and Procedure. All elements of the college's online presence will comply with brand standards. 
  • Social media accounts and external websites representing college programs, divisions, departments, or business units as distinct brands separate from the college are not permitted. 
  • Employees who are working at, participating in, or representing Southeast in their official capacity (on campus or off campus) and choosing to wear branded attire  should ensure that the attire  is compliant with current brand standards.


  1. The Director of Marketing will review and approve all marketing materials, including those developed by individuals or organizations outside of the Marketing and Communications department (i.e. vendors, employees, students, student groups) prior to production. Items should be submitted via email to [email protected] or delivered physically to the Director of Marketing and will be reviewed within three business days of submission. 
  2. Any divisions, departments, or business units of the college desiring an official logo lockup, a revision to an existing college affiliated program logo, or marketing materials for a specific project or use must submit their request via the marketing project request form located on the college intranet. Requests will be processed in the order in which they are received.
  3. The Marketing and Communications department is responsible for identifying incorrect or unauthorized use of the college brand and will work with all programs, divisions, departments, or business units to comply or remove unauthorized items and to bring applications into compliance. 
  4. The Director of Marketing should be consulted prior to finalizing all marketing materials whenever it is not clear whether the proposed use is permissible.

Date of Implementation: October 9, 2024
Date of Last Review:
Date of Revision(s):