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516: Facilities Naming Policy

Responsible Office: Finance and Administration
Responsible Officer: Vice President of Finance and Administration
Related Minnesota State Board Policy: 6.8 Naming Buildings, Sites and Common Areas
Related Minnesota State Board Procedure: 6.8.1 Naming Buildings, Sites, and Common Areas    


The purpose of this policy is to provide standard guidelines for naming buildings and spaces at Minnesota State College Southeast (MSC Southeast).


Gift. A "gift" is a voluntary, philanthropic transfer of assets received from an individual, a corporation, a foundation or other organization. 

Endowment. In all endowed programs, the principal contribution is invested by the Foundation and remains intact. Only a portion of annual income or growth will be apportioned by the Foundation Board of Directors. That portion will be determined annually based on Foundation policies, which seek to preserve the capital of the original gift while meeting the wishes of donors. 

Facilities. Facilities include tangible assets, including, but not limited to, buildings, outdoor facilities, laboratories, classrooms, and conference rooms.

Naming. The term "naming" refers to the conferral of an individual's, group's (such as a family) or organization's name to a building, room, or other property or initiative to honor the philanthropic support and distinguished contributions of that individual, group or organization.

Programs. Programs include intangible assets including, but are not limited to, college-wide centers, academic and non-academic programs, departments, academic and non-academic chairs, positions and endowed scholarship funds.


MSC Southeast seeks to provide appropriate recognition for philanthropy to the college. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees, herein after referred to as the "Board," to delegate authority to the chancellor to approve the naming of buildings, sites, and common areas; the president shall make a recommendation to the chancellor only after consultation with college constituents. The Board will also be advised of the college's intention of naming facilities. The MSC Southeast employee responsible for oversight and management of the MSC Southeast Foundation (Foundation) will manage the naming process.


A. Approval Process

Principal responsibility for soliciting and arranging for naming opportunities resides with the President of the College, with much of the operational authority delegated to the Executive Director of the Foundation. The Executive Director will serve as the repository for naming suggestions. They will ensure that naming suggestions follow applicable Minnesota State Board policies and procedures, as well as MSC Southeast naming guidelines. The Executive Director will provide the President with the naming suggestion and with pertinent information to justify or discourage the nomination. 

B. Conferring Names

  • New Construction or Renovation. When College property that is either new or being remodeled is to be named in recognition of a financial contribution, the contribution should adhere to the following:
    • Naming of a building: Gifts must provide a substantial portion of the cost of building construction, greater than 50% of the total project cost. Cost may be broadly defined such as construction--with or without fees--operations, maintenance, equipment, furnishings, etc. A portion of the gift may be used to create a maintenance endowment at the discretion of the college in consultation with the donor.
    • Naming of a site: Gifts must provide a substantial portion of the value of the site, greater than 50% of the total. A portion of the gift may be used to create a maintenance endowment at the discretion of the college in consultation with the donor.
    • Naming of a room or program space: Gifts must provide a substantial portion of the cost of construction for the specific room or space, greater than 50% of the total cost.
  • Existing Facilities. When existing college property is being named in recognition of an individual and remodeling of the facility is not occurring, the financial contribution will be determined by the college based on the size, function, and amenities of the specific space. The gift must cover a substantial portion of the estimated replacement cost for the space. A portion of the gift may be used to create a maintenance endowment at the discretion of the college in consultation with the donor.
  • Endowed Chair or College Program Naming. Programs, professorships, and endowed chairs may be named upon approval by the President. For established programs or positions, the endowment gift amount must be large enough that the annual earning percentage funds greater than 50% of the program/position costs. For new programs or positions, the endowment gift amount must be large enough that the annual earning percentage funds 100% or more of the program/position's costs. 

  • Naming in Recognition of Service. All naming is attached to financial contributions as described here within. The college does not have a separate policy or practice for naming in recognition of service to the college. 

C. Permanency of a Naming

  • A name conferred to a building in recognition of a gift shall generally be for the life of the building, unless otherwise agreed to in the gift agreement.
  • A name conferred to a room, program space, site, or other item in recognition of a gift shall be for a specified period of time, to be agreed upon in the gift agreement. 

D. Name Withdrawal

Cancellation of a program, relocation or closure of a facility, demolition of a building, withdrawal of designated funds or discontinuance of pledge payments, or a similar event may result in the termination of named recognition. If appropriate, the Foundation may recommend that an alternative form of recognition be extended.

The Foundation will present a proposal to the President regarding the discontinued use of an existing name, which will outline the reasons for termination and present an analysis of risks associated with this action.  The President's recommendation for the termination of naming will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for consideration when the original naming required Board approval.

The Foundation is responsible for contacting the individual or group regarding termination of naming.  If the individual is deceased, the Foundation will take due action to contact next of kin, or personal representative.

The Board or President may determine that a relationship with a particular donor could be damaging to the College, its mission and values or its students, the College retains the right to terminate naming due to such circumstances. Any legal impropriety on the part of a donor will make the gift and name subject to reconsideration under this policy. The college President and/or Board reserves the right to withdraw the privilege of a name association with Minnesota State College Southeast should future particular acts and circumstances warrant. 

Donors will be provided with the termination procedure at the time of the initial gift, and will be asked to sign an acknowledgement statement to document their acceptance and understanding of the policy. 

E. Recognition

For historical purposes, any named facility should include a plaque or similar recognition that explains the donor's significance to the College. The Office of the President, Marketing and Communications, and the Foundation will coordinate all public announcements, dedication ceremonies, and appropriate signage. 


Approved: March 1, 2023