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513 - Grant Development

Responsible Office:  Strategic Initiatives
Responsible Officer:  Vice President of Strategic Initiatives
Reference: Minnesota State Board Policy 7.7 - Gifts & Grants Acceptance


Grant funding is an important resource for activities to realize the mission, vision, and strategic goals of Minnesota State College Southeast. Grants help turn innovative ideas into projects and programs that foster student success, learning, organizational capacity and the overall enhancement of the college and the communities we serve. 


Members of MSC Southeast and the MSC Southeast Foundation (the Foundation) may explore, identify and submit grants that support the work of the college on its behalf with written consent of the college's president or their designee, the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives (VPSI), prior to the grant transmission. These include corporate, state, federal, Minnesota State and private foundation grant programs related to the college mission. All grants that require college financial resources, including but not limited to, in-kind, match, or other resources that are not paid by the grant require the written approval of the college president or their designee before a grant application can be submitted. The president, or the VPSI, reserves the right to decline any award made without prior express written consent.

The Foundation is an organization that supports the college by engaging in fundraising for capital campaigns, scholarships, program support and selected initiatives and is the designated repository for funds which require a 501c3 recipient. 

Any grant received by MSC Southeast is under the authority of the college's authorized organizational representative. Personnel assigned to manage grants will report regularly to the president or VPSI, in accordance with reporting deadlines set by the organization or agency awarding the grant.

All proposals will be reviewed by the VPSI and the Vice President of Finance and Administration prior to submission.


Individuals or groups of individuals associated with the college or Foundation can generate grant ideas. Sufficient time should be allocated to complete the steps necessary for review, approval and submission before grant writing begins.

  1. Prior to Applying:
    a. Once a grant opportunity has been identified as being "of interest" to the college, it must be vetted and approved before an application can begin. Anyone considering applying for a grant should meet with their direct supervisor, Vice President of Finance and Administration, and the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives (VPSI) to review the grants process in its entirety before beginning an application.
    b. If given the approval to move forward after the initial review, the person to be designated as the Project Manager (PM), or Principal Investigator (PI), for the proposed grant must complete and submit the Notice of Intent to Apply Form (PDF) with signed support from their supervisor, and submit the form to the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives.
    c. The submitted form will be reviewed within three (3) business days of submission by the VPSI.
       i. If approved the PM or PI will be responsible for ensuring the completion of the grant writing and submission process.
       ii. If denied the PM or PI will be provided a rationale as to why MSC Southeast will not move forward with the process.
       iii. If a grant application exceeds $100,000 approval by the college president is also required before an application can begin. 
  2. Application Process
    a. During the writing and application process, the PM or PI is required to meet with all appropriate and applicable college departments to review the grant requirements, receive feedback and input, and ensure that the grant, as written, can be implemented by the college and/or college partners.
    b. After completing the grant application, a copy of the application, all required attachments and the completed Grant Transmittal Form (PDF) should be submitted to the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives (VPSI) for final review and approval prior to submission.
       i. The Grant Transmittal Form outlines all administrative personnel who need to sign off on the proposal prior to submission. It is a complete summary of the grant proposal, including budgetary information, personnel, and other considerations. The form and documentation should be submitted at least five business days before the grant application is due to ensure proper routing, and to ensure that you have time to upload your documents into the appropriate electronic application service. The VPSI will consult as needed, request any necessary changes, and provide the PM or PI with final approval to submit the grant.
       ii. The PM or PI will maintain a digital copy of all grant submission documents as well as any additional documentation provided or requested as part of the grant submission process. 
  3. Upon Receipt of the Award 
    a. The PM or PI shall notify the VPSI upon receipt of the decision about the grant application. Together, they shall determine the appropriate course of action to share news of the grant receipt or denial.
    b. If a grant is awarded, the VPSI and the PM or PI will convene a meeting with representatives from all functional areas the grant will impact to articulate roles, responsibilities and to set expectations for implementation and reporting including the frequency of meetings necessary to monitor implementation. The PM or PI will convene the monitoring meetings in partnership with the VPSI.
    c. The PM or PI will work with the business office to align the awarded project budget to the general ledger budget and ensure all financial and other grant obligations are in compliance with applicable college policies, granting agency requirements, and other applicable local, state, and federal policies and laws.
  4. Upon Conclusion of the Grant
    a. At the end of the grant term, the PM or PI is responsible for completing any final documentation required by the college or granting organization. This includes end-of-grant reporting, budget balancing and close-out, and ending or realigning positions paid for out of the grant.
       i. The PM or PI should confer with the appropriate departments to discuss all necessary steps required to ensure thorough and complete close-out of the grant. 

Applying for Funding with a Partner Organization: If MSC Southeast representatives are approached about collaborating with another college or nonprofit on a grant proposal, they must fill out and submit the Intent to Apply Form prior to applying. Follow the same process as above if the form is approved.

Expedited Application: Intent to Apply Forms will be processed within three (3) business days of submission. Transmittal review process may take up to five days. Expedited Intent to Apply and Grant Transmittal Forms review can be initiated only if approved by the President or VPSI.

Limited Submission Proposals: Sometimes, a funding agency allows a limited number of proposals to be submitted for a competition. When that is the case, the VPSI will consult with the president to discuss the merits of all projects being proposed and a final decision will be made about which proposal(s) will be submitted.

Record Keeping: Grant files are required to be retained for a minimum of three years after the grant close-out. All financial records will be maintained by the business office and the grant files will be retained in a digital file accessible to the Project Manager or PI and Strategic Initiatives office. 

The Strategic Initiatives division will maintain a digital file for each grant submitted and a spreadsheet of all grants the college has applied for and that status of those applications. These files will be stored on the college's secure electronic filing system.


Approved: April 10, 1997
Reviewed: December 28, 2010; February 18, 2021; December 20, 2023
Revised: February 15, 2000; June 30, 2004; February 18, 2021; December 20, 2023