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405 - Representing the College

Responsible Office: Human Resources
Responsible Officer: Chief of Human Resources
Related Minnesota State Board Policy:
Related Minnesota State Board Procedure:


All faculty and staff are representatives of the College when functioning in their official capacity at any event or occasion sponsored by, or functioning under the auspices of, the College. Persons who are not College employees may also function as its representatives when they have received prior approval from the President or President’s designee.

Requests by the media for interviews regarding the college should be referred to the Communications Director.


If contacted by a member of the media, college employees should keep the conversation brief, get the reporter’s contact information and deadline, and relay it to the Communications Director.

The Communications Director will follow up, determine who should speak on behalf of the college, and arrange for the interview. It may be with the original employee or with another spokesperson.

Employees are not obligated to answer media inquiries regarding the college. "On the spot" interviews are discouraged.

If an employee is speaking based on their role at the college, but not on behalf of the college, they should make clear that they are expressing their personal opinion.

Approved: June 17, 1997
Reviewed: December 28, 2010; March 12, 2014; December 7, 2020; August 9, 2021
Revised: February 15, 2000; June 30, 2004; December 7, 2020; August 9, 2021