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228 - Program Advisory Committees

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Responsible Officer:  Vice President of Academic Affairs
Related Minnesota State Board Policy and Procedures:  Minnesota State Policy 3.30 College Program Advisory Committees; and Minnesota State Policy 3.30.1

PURPOSE: To establish consistent practices for creating and operating college program advisory committees.



A community college, technical college, or community and technical college.

College program advisory committee
A formally organized committee that provides expert advice and assistance to college professional-technical programs.

College Program Advisory Committee
Each college shall establish, manage, and operate college program advisory committees in compliance with this policy and System Procedure 3.30.1.

Subpart A. Applicability
An advisory committee must be created for credit-based academic programs determined by a college to be preparation for initial or continued employment.

Subpart B. Membership
A college program advisory committee must include, but is not limited to, employers, students, and faculty who possess the requisite knowledge and skills relevant to the program. One advisory committee may serve more than one program provided that committee members possess requisite knowledge and skills relevant to the programs.

Subpart C. Role of committee
An advisory committee:

  • identifies college program needs and opportunities,
  • describes the current status and dynamic nature of its industry and/or occupation(s),
  • provides guidance and advice on initial development, accountability, expansion, and closure of academic programs or related program clusters at the college or with related programs at high schools, colleges, and/or universities, and
  • reviews the intended competencies and other learning outcomes associated with the program on an ongoing basis.


Each college shall adopt a program advisory committee procedure that addresses the following topics:

  • Purpose
  • Membership, including students appointed in accordance with Board Policy 2.3, size, roles, requisite knowledge and skills, and terms
  • Structure and governance
  • Meeting schedule
  • Work plan and priorities
  • Communications
  • Collaboration
  • Career and transfer pathways
  • Recommendations and documentation
  • Evaluation

Oversight and Accountability

Subpart A. Public accountability
Program advisory committee procedure, work plans, membership, and meeting minutes must be made available upon request.

Subpart B. Evaluation
Each college shall regularly evaluate its program advisory committees and use the information for continuous improvement.


Approved: October 24, 2011
Reviewed: October 23, 2013, March 1, 2021
Revised: March 1, 2021