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101 - Application and Admission Requirements

Responsible Office: Student Affairs
Responsible Officer:  Dean of Students
Related Minnesota State Board Policy: 3.4 Undergraduate Admissions
Related Minnesota State Board Procedure: 3.4.1 Undergraduate Admissions


To provide clear, accessible information to students regarding admission requirements to the college as well as the appropriate level of academic preparation necessary for success in specific programs of study.


Students may be admitted to Minnesota State College Southeast if they are high school graduates or have a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). A person who does not have a high school diploma or its equivalent and intends to enroll in an eligible career pathways program may be admitted if that person demonstrates passing scores on the approved Ability to Benefit (ATB) test.  A person who does not have a high school diploma or its equivalent may be admitted at the discretion of the college according to locally determined admissions requirements. All students seeking to enroll at the college must submit approved application materials including: (1) an approved Minnesota State application form, (2) an approved Minnesota State application fee, and (3) documentation to validate college degrees, high school graduation or attainment of a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Some programs may require additional admission criteria and documentation. Those applicants who are unable to present traditional documentation of educational preparation must be individually evaluated on the basis of guidelines consistent with the college's identity and mission. Some students may be admitted to Minnesota State College Southeast but denied admission to a particular program because of program requirements or limited class size. The lack of English skills is not a barrier to admission.

International students may be admitted to Minnesota State College Southeast if they (1) obtain a TOEFL score of 500 on the paper version, 173 on the computer-based version, or 61 on the internet-based version of the test, (2) provide the college with documentation showing adequate financial resources to support their educational and living expenses without financial assistance from the college, (3) submit an approved F-1 or M-1 visa to the college's admission department prior to registration for any course, and (4) purchase Minnesota State approved international student health insurance policy or provide proof of a plan provided by the sponsoring agency or government.

Students on academic suspension from any postsecondary institution shall not be admitted during the term of that suspension, unless the applicant is able to demonstrate potential for being successful in the particular program to which they apply by completing the suspension appeal process and having their appeal granted. Students who have been suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons from any postsecondary institution may be denied admission to Southeast. Students denied admission to Minnesota State College Southeast may appeal this decision through college Policy 111, Admission Denied: Appeal. 

Visiting Student Status

A student shall be allowed to enroll for up to six credits in any semester without submitting an application for admission. A visiting student is not required to submit an application for admission, and is not a candidate for a degree, diploma, or certificate at the college attended in visiting student status. 

  1. Visiting students shall satisfy course prerequisites of the college.
  2. The college may deny enrollment under visiting student status to any student who has a hold on their record at any postsecondary institution. A visiting student who has a  hold at Southeast due to conduct or academic progress reasons shall complete the appropriate appeals process at the college.
  3. The College may limit enrollment of visiting students in courses that historically have enrollment requests exceeding available seats.

Approved: April 10, 1997
Revised: February 15, 2000; June 30, 2004; September 29, 2008, May 13, 2020, April 27, 2022